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Committee & Council Chairs

Chairperson: Eric Peterson

Save the Date: November 14, 2025

Gold Mountain Golf & Country Club

Chairperson:: Eric Peterson, Aegis Land Title

Save the Date: Saturday, February 22, 2022

Kitsap Golf & Country Club

Theme: Iron & Elegance

Our 2025 event is on Saturday, February 22, 2025, and we would be thrilled to have you attend this year!
We thank you for your continued support of building a strong community! We Build Kitsap!

Chairperson: Steven Bodle, Back Forty Repairs LLC

Show Date: May 2-4th 2025

Kitsap County Fairgrounds

Join us to plan the Biggest and Best Home Expo West of Seattle ™! 

For over forty years, the Peninsula Home & Remodel Expo is the Peninsula’s largest and most trusted destination for all home design and home improvement information and inspiration. Directly connecting you with Kitsap and the Pacific Northwest Region industry leaders and trendsetters.

Meets the Third Tuesday of each month at 3 pm

Chairperson:  Jake Able, Pacific Northwest Title

Co-Chairperson: Bethanie Hernandez, Land Title Co.

This casual mixer event for our members and guests is very loosely structured. Typically 30- 40 people. We hold it in a new place each time. 
No fee- or registration is required.  We encourage you to support both the local businesses and the overall community and purchase your food and beverages. Maybe even pick up dinner and don't forget to tip the staff!

Please come if you are able- no RSVP or registration is needed. Bring lots of business cards

Chairperson: Randy Biegenwald, CPA

Build a Better Christmas is a program funded by the Home Builders Foundation. Throughout the year, the Foundation receives donations from KBA members and friends intended for this annual program. With these funds, our volunteer shoppers go out and purchase Christmas gifts for the women and children, some as young as 3 months old, who live in the YWCA Alive Shelter during the holidays. Build a Better Christmas helps alleviate stress for these families and provides a good dose of Christmas cheer. This is a wonderful program and a great way to lend a helping hand to those in need during the holidays. We welcome and encourage any KBA members to participate, learn more about the program, and volunteer!

Chairperson: Jake Able, Pacific Northwest Title Company 

2025 Save the Date! Friday, September 12 

Since 1980 the Builders Classic has been the summer highlight for fundraising and fun for the Kitsap Building Association. 

Meets the first Thursday of every month at 7:30 am

Chairperson: Kathleen Frazer

Over the past year, the Builder/Developer Council has been actively addressing crucial matters for our members in the land development industry. This includes developers, builders, real estate investors, engineers, land use attorneys, and more. Our regular meetings serve as a platform for development professionals to voice their concerns and engage in collaborative problem-solving within the construction community.

This longstanding gathering has proven invaluable, allowing our members to contribute to the dialogue and find solutions collectively with our weekly meetings with local municipalities and the county. Many of the successes the KBA has achieved in addressing Kitsap area code-related concerns can be attributed to the dedicated work of this group of knowledgeable professionals.

Meets on the last Wednesday of every month at 8 am

Chairperson: Eric Peterson, Aegis Land Title

Each month the Government Affairs Committee meets on topics important to our members. Typical meetings include an elected official guest speaker, training information on how to use important government tools, like a Small Works Roster for finding jobs, and during the election season, this committee conducts interviews of candidates seeking elected office.

Meets on the last Wednesday of every month at 9:30 am 

Chairperson: Ian Laughlin, Laughlin Development

Members are the heart of our association and in order to reach out to all the companies in Kitsap that would benefit from a KBA membership, the KBA has a group of volunteers that focus on just that. For those that are interested in networking, this is the committee for you! That cold call becomes much warmer when you’re able to speak peer-to-peer about the Kitsap Building Association.

Meets the first Thursday of each month at 9:30 am

Chairperson: Brady Mueller, Quality Coatings Enterprises

Co-Chairperson: Jake Carter, Dogwood Building Solutions

The Kitsap Building Association has been working diligently to address the lack of training and knowledge of opportunities that the building industry provides. A sustainable workforce must be available to fill the demanding need for qualified tradesmen and women here in Kitsap County. Some of these efforts include the creation of Construction in Motion, Trades in Motion, and the Builder Grant Program. Also, the association is being asked to partner with local school districts, West Sound Tech, and various Career and Technical Education advisory committees to spread the word concerning the construction trades.

Chairperson: Dee Coppola, West Sound Home & Garden Magazine

Co-Chair: Allison Falk, Kitsap Credit Union

Save the Date: September 2025

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